Wenzhuo Wu

Emerging thin film technology



School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA




Email: wenzhuowu@purdue.edu


Dr. Wenzhuo  Wu is the  Ravi  and  Eleanor  Talwar Rising  Star  Associate Professor  in  the School  of  Industrial  Engineering  at  Purdue  University.  He  received  his  BS  in  Electrical Engineering  from  University  of  Science  and Technology  of  China,  Hefei,  and his  ME  in Electrical Engineering from National University of Singapore. Dr. Wu received his Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology in Materials Science and Engineering. Dr. Wu’s research interests  include  the  design,  manufacturing,  and  integration  of  nanomaterials  for applications in energy, electronics, and wearable devices. He was a recipient of Oak Ridge Associated  Universities  Ralph  E.  Powe  Junior  Faculty  Enhancement  Award,  IOP Semiconductor  Science  and  Technology  Best  Early  Career  Research,  Society  of Manufacturing Engineers Barbara M. Fossum Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, Journal of Materials Chemistry A Emerging Investigator, ARO Young Investigator Award, and NSF Early CAREER Award. 

Abstract for Presentation

Tellurene electronics and sensors 


In this talk, I will discuss our recent progress in controllable synthesis of tellurene for  electronics  and  sensor  applications.  The  solution-synthesized  tellurene  crystals exhibit process-tunable thickness from a monolayer to tens of nanometers, lateral sizes ~  100 m,  and  can  be  transferred  to  designer  substrates.  I  will  further  discuss  our findings in 2D tellurene’s material properties, as well as our efforts in the prototypical device  explorations  with  the  acquired  fundamental  understandings  of  tellurene’s properties. Our results show that the  air-stable tellurene, as an emerging 2D material, exhibits  a  plethora  of  intriguing  physical  properties  appealing  for  applications  in electronics, optoelectronics, energy, sensors, and quantum devices.