Shunri Oda

Si-based Nanostructures


Tokyo Institute of Technology

1-35-7 Sakurashin-machi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0015, Japan




    Shunri Oda received the B. Sc degree in physics, the M. Eng. and Dr. Eng. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1974, 1976 and 1979, respectively.

    He joined faculty of Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1979 and now is a Professor Emeritus. His research interests include fabrication of silicon quantum dots by pulsed plasma processes, single electron tunneling devices based on nanocrystalline silicon, ballistic transport in silicon nanodevices, silicon-based quantum information devices, and NEMS hybrid devices. He was a Research Leader of MEXT Center of Innovation program. He has authored more than 700 technical papers in international journals and conferences including 200 invited papers. He edited books (with D. Ferry) “Silicon Nanoelectronics” (CRC Press, 2006) and “Nanoscale Silicon Devices” (CRC Press, 2015).

  Prof. Oda is a Life Fellow of IEEE and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Electron Devices Society. He is a Fellow and an Emeritus Member of Japan Society for Applied Physics. He is a member of the Engineering Academy of Japan.



Abstract for Presentation

Si-based qubits for quantum computing


    Quantum computing is no longer a future technology. Several quantum computing systems have already been commercialized and gradually used in trial stages. Some complicated problems such as optimization and simulation can be solved by quantum computers much faster than classical super computer systems. Currently numbers of qubits are around 100 based on superconductors or ion-trap qubits. For more practical computation with high accuracy and high speed, much large numbers of qubits are required. Si-based qubits combined with CMOS technology is promising for large-scale integration. Recent activities of Si-based qubit research are discussed.